Check here for more information on how you or your students can prepare for the Cambridge English First Certificate of English - FCE.


Grammar Topics for FCE


·         Tense review

o   Past simple, present tenses, used to and would

·         Relative clauses

·         Articles

·         Narrative tenses

·         Comparative linkers

·         Future Forms

·         Other Uses of the gerund and infinitive

·         Conditionals 0-3

·         Conditional Linkers

·         Modal Verbs (1): Obligation, necessity and advice; ability

·         Permission

·         The passive voice

·         Have /get something done

·         Modal Verbs (2): deduction

·         Coordinating linkers

·         Wishes and regrets

·         Mixed Conditionals

·         Be/get used to

·         Reported speech

·         Reporting verbs

·         Participle clauses

·         Inversion

·         Review of tenses and verb patterns

·         Exam Skills


FCE Information for Canidates

2015 FCE Teacher's Handbook
( Audio Clips for the Handbook )

Download FCE Sample Exams

( Reading Key ) (Use of English Key )

Click here to go directly to the Cambridge English FCE website.

British Council - Learn English Teens

British Council - Learn English

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