YLE Starters - Movers - Flyers

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Starters / Movers / Flyers

Vocabulary Topics


·         Family and friends ( Vocabulary Video ) ( Family Worksheets ) ( Family song ) (Interactive Book/Game ) (Flash Cards ) (Activities ) (PPT presentation ) (Word Find )

·         Places and directions ( Vocabulary Video ) (Places Worksheets ) (Worksheet) (Flash Cards )

·         School ( Vocabulary Video )  (School Worksheets ) (Worksheet) (Flash Cards ) (Interactive Game ) (Activities )

·         Sports and leisure (Hobbies Video )  (Sports Worksheets ) (Flash Cards )

·         Transport ( Vocabulary Video ) (Flash Cards ) ( Interactive Game )

·         Weather  ( Vocabulary Video )(Weather Worksheets ) ( Flash Cards ) (Interactive Game ) (Activities ) (Worksheets )

·         Work (Vocabulary Video ) (Flash Cards ) (Worksheets ) (Worksheets ) (Activities )

·         The world around us


Grammar and Sturctures list

·         Nouns – singular/plural & irregular forms, countable and uncountable and names
·         Adjectives – including possessive adjectives
·         Determiners
·         Pronouns – Including demonstrative, personal, and possessive interrogative pronouns and ‘one’
·         Verbs – (positive, negative, question, imperative and short answer forms, including contractions)
o   Present simple
o   Present continuous (not with future reference)
o   Can for ability (Video ) (Interactive Book ) (Interactive Boo )
o   Can for requests/permission
o   Have (got) for possession
·         Adverbs
·         Conjunctions
·         Prepositions of place and time
·         Question words
·         Impersonal you
·         Have +obj + inf
·         Ing forms as nouns
·         Let’s
·         Like + verb + ing
·         There is/there are
·         Would like + n or v
·         Happy Birthday
·         Here you are
·         Me too
·         So do I
·         Story about +ing
·         What (a/an) + adj + n
·         What now?