Come here for more information on how your or your students can prepare for the Cambridge English TKT exam.

Did you know... that the SEP (Secretaria de Educación Publico) en Mexico accepts the TKT as equivalency to a technical degree in English teaching (Técnico Superior en la Enseñaza de Ingles)? 

Would you like information on how you can have your degree in teaching English as a second language in Mexico by ONLY passing the TKT?  Click on the link below to find out more information on how it is possible for you, too. 

Module 1  Language and background to language learning and teaching

Part 1    Describing Language and language skills

·         Grammar

·         Lexis

·         Phonology   Pronunciation Material  PowerPoint Class Presentation

·         Functions

·         Reading

·         Writing

·         Listening

·         Speaking

Part 2    Background to language learning

·         Motivation PPT Slides

·         Exposure and focus on form PPT Slides

·         The role of error PPT Slides

·         Differences between L1 and L2 learningPPT Slides

·         Learner Characteristics PPT Slides

·         Learner needs PPT Slides

·         Approaches to Language teaching PPT Slides  Quizlet Flashcards

Part 3    Background to language teaching

·         Presentation techniques and introductory activities PPT Slides Quizlet Flashcards Cambridge Material

·         Practice activities and tasks for language and skills developments Powerpoint presentation slides to print off Quizlet Flashcards  Cambridge Material

·         Assessment types and tasks  Quizlet Flashcards Cambridge Material

Module 2  Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching

Part 1    Planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons

·         Identifying and selecting aims Quizlet Flashcards Cambridge Material Article about how to find aims

·         Identifying the different components of a lesson plan  Cambridge Material

·         Planning an individual lesson or a sequence of lessons  Cambridge Material

·         Choosing assessment activities   Cambridge Material

Part 2    Selection and use of resources

·         Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation  Cambridge Material

·         Selection and use of course book materials  Cambridge Material

·         Selection and use of supplementary materials and activities  Cambridge Material

·         Selection and use of teaching aids  Cambridge Material

Module 3  Managing the teaching and learning process

Part 1 Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom

·         Using language appropriately for a range of classroom functions  

·         Identifying the functions of learners’ language

·         Categorizing learners’ mistakes

Part 2    Classroom management

·         Teacher roles

·         Grouping learners

·         Correcting learners

·         Giving feedback


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